viernes, 3 de diciembre de 2010

Northanger Abbey and Mysteries of Udolpho

I'm so happy I have received the books I ordered from The Book Depository, Misteries of Udolpho and The Brontës.

These days I'm inmerse in my Jane Austen reading, Northanger Abbey and I find extraordinary the excitement of Udolpho in Catherine and Isabella
There are other books mentioned in the novel, such us:
The Monk by Matthew Lewis; The Italian by Anne Radcliff ; The Castle of Wolfenbach and The Misterious Warning by Eliza Parsons; Clermont by Regina Maria Roche; The Tale of the Black Forest.... but Udolpho is constantly present.

This is a very interesting post about the notion of non loving people by halves created by Isabella Thorpe.

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