I 'm back after some months of rest. This is the last book I have read: John Hersey HIROSHIMA
On August 6, 1945 the United States dropped a nuclear weapon on the city or Hiroshima. Lately, I have read John Hersey HIROSHIMA that explains the consequences of this bombing in the city focusing on the experiences of six survivors.
One of the consecuences of the bombing for the survivors was the radiation sickness. The disease affected a lot of survivors and some of them never fully recovered. We see how the city recovers and begins to rebuild.
Hersey highlight the comunity spirit among these survivors together with a great degree of stoicism and personal submission.
I have been touched by this book, especially because I have been three times in Hiroshima and I have visited the Peace Memorial Museum, not far from the Atomic Bomb Dome. This was a very impressive experience.

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